Sunday, September 14, 2008

Study for 2008 Poetry Scores Art Invitational

T. Renner, "Study for 'Nailed Seraphim: Mortice caught on fire,'" 2008, gouache on paper, 4" x 6".

The invitation:
The poem "Nailed Seraphim" by K. Curtis Lyle is the subject of the 2008 Poetry Scores Art Invitational, to be held Friday, November 21 at Hoffman LaChance Contemporary, 3100 Sutton Blvd. in Maplewood, Mo. We would like to invite you to participate in the show.

A copy of "Nailed Seraphim" is available on the poet’s blog by clicking here.

The assignment: make a new piece of art that responds to "Nailed Seraphim" and is named after a verbatim scrap of language from the poem. In the past, we have tried to limit the show to stuff you can hang on the wall or easily stand up in the space, but there are no strict limits –- other than that we have to fit everything into Hoffman LaChance, and we are inviting something like 40 artists. This means we hope at least some artists work small –- but, in past years, we have proudly shown some monumental pieces at the art invitational.


Poetry Scores said...

Curtis saw this and liked it!

Tony Renner said...

glad to hear that curtis saw and liked this painting... the silence was deafening for a while there... the finished piece will be better... i hope....

-- tony