Friday, April 30, 2010

Environmental Watercolor #1

T. Renner, "Environmental Watercolor #1," 2008, watercolor on paper, 15.25" x 11".

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Door with Ivy

T. Renner, "Door with Ivy," 2010, digital photograph.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Door with Tree

T. Renner, "Door with Tree," 2010, digital photograph.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bricks with Moss

T. Renner, "Bricks with Moss," 2010, digital photograph.

Monday, April 26, 2010


T. Renner, "Dandelion," 2010, digital photograph.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Power Stronger Than Itself: AACM

T. Renner, "A Power Stronger Than Itself: AACM," 2008, acrylic on panel, 51" x 41".

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Newspaper Blackout Poem #3

T. Renner, "Newspaper Blackout Poem #3," 2010, sharpie on newspaper, 3" x 4".

Friday, April 23, 2010

Morning Glory

T. Renner, "Morning Glory," 2008, digital photograph.

Morning Glory

bleak, moonlit autumn

shimmering, dimly seen

girls, again, and going

to the right place

ambiguous, yet

nowhere, blurred

blue peaking high

[for Karl Kaltenthaler}

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grey (or Gray)

T. Renner, "Grey (Or Gray)," 2009, charcoal and acrylic on paper, 10" x 8".

[originally posted April 7, 2009]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Black Bird

T. Renner, "Black Bird," 2009, acrylic on paper, 8" x 10".

First posted April 21, 2009.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Still Life

T. Renner, "Still Life," 2010, digital photograph.

Monday, April 19, 2010


T. Renner, "Abstract," 2008, digital photograph

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dada Collage

T. Renner, "Dada College," 2007, collage on index card, 3" x 4".

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spent Flowers

T. Renner, "Spent Flowers," 2010, digital photograph.

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Re-Arrangements & Nu-Compositions": The Music of Duke Ellington at Nu-Art Series Metropolitan Gallery

T. Renner, "'The Dancers': Improvisation for Duke Ellington," 2009, acrylic on paper, 14" x 8".

I have had a number of my jazz-influenced works on display at Nu-Art Series Metropolitan Gallery, 2936 Locust Street, St. Louis, Missouri, this spring and your final chance to see them will be this Saturday, April 17. The exhibition coincided with Nu-Art Series Jazz Composers Series: "Re-Arrangements & Nu-Compositions," which presented a number of local jazz composers playing their own compositions as well as works by jazz masters.

Along with my paintings, photographer Roscoe Crenshaw exhibits 30 of his photos capturing jazz musicians in performance.

The final concert in the series will be Saturday, April 17, with the Stan Coleman Youth Jazz Band performing the work of Duke Ellington.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Newspaper Blackout Poem #2

T. Renner, "Newspaper Blackout Poem #2," 2010, magic marker on newspaper, 6" x 4".

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Dreamer Dreams of Dreaming

T. Renner, "The Dreamer Dreams of Dreaming," 2007, acrylic on canvas, 10" x 8".

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


T. Renner, "Untitled," 2010, acrylic on paper, 5.5" x 4".

Monday, April 12, 2010

Peach Blossoms/Sky #3

T. Renner, "Peach Blossoms/Sky #3," 2010, digital photograph.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Peach Blossoms/Sky #2

T. Renner, "Peach Blossoms/Sky #2," 2010, digital photograph.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Landscape, Illinois, Easter, Color

T. Renner, "Landscape, Illinois, Easter, Color", 2010, digital photograph.

Friday, April 9, 2010

"Re-Arrangements & Nu-Compositions": The Music of Andrew Hill at Nu-Art Series Metropolitan Gallery

T. Renner, "Improvisation for Andrew Hill," 2008, acrylic on paper, 7" x 5".

I have a number of my jazz-influenced works on display at Nu-Art Series Metropolitan Gallery, 2936 Locust Street, St. Louis, Missouri, through April 17. This exhibition coincides with Nu-Art Series Jazz Composers Series: "Re-Arrangements & Nu-Compositions," which presents a number of local jazz composers playing their own compositions as well as works by jazz masters.

Along with my paintings, photographer Roscoe Crenshaw exhibits 30 of his photos capturing jazz musicians in performance.

The concert schedule:

* Sat. April 10: The Reggie Thomas Project (the work of Andrew Hill}.
* Sat. April 17: The Stan Coleman Youth Jazz Band (the work of Duke Ellington).

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dr. Dog at the Bluebird in Color and Black & White

T. Renner, "Dr. Dog at the Bluebird (Black & White)," 2008, digital photograph.

T. Renner, "Dr. Dog at the Bluebird (Color)," 2008, digital photograph.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Landscape with Structure and Machinery

T. Renner, "Landscape with Structure and Machinery," 2010, digital photograph.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Peach Blossoms/Sky

T. Renner, "Peach Blossoms/Sky," 2010, digital photograph.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Landscape, Illinois, Easter

T. Renner, "Landscape, Illinois, Easter," 2010, digital photograph.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Moss at UMSL #2

T. Renner, "Moss at UMSL #2," 2010, digital photograph.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Moss at UMSL #1

T. Renner, "Moss at UMSL #1," 2010, digital photograph.

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Re-Arrangements & Nu-Compositions": JD Parran & the Music of John Coltrane at Nu-Art Series Metropolitan Gallery

T. Renner, "A Love Supreme: John Coltrane #2," 2009, oil on paper, 11" x 17".

I have a number of my jazz-influenced works on display at Nu-Art Series Metropolitan Gallery, 2936 Locust Street, St. Louis, Missouri, through April 17. This exhibition coincides with Nu-Art Series Jazz Composers Series: "Re-Arrangements & Nu-Compositions," which presents a number of local jazz composers playing their own compositions as well as works by jazz masters.

Along with my paintings, photographer Roscoe Crenshaw exhibits 30 of his photos capturing jazz musicians in performance.

The concert schedule:

* Sat. April 3: JD Parran (the work of John Coltrane).
* Sat. April 10: The Reggie Thomas Project (the work of Andrew Hill.
* Sat. April 17: The Stan Coleman Youth Jazz Band (the work of Duke Ellington).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Untitled Figure (Red) #1

T. Renner, "Untitled Figure (Red) #1," 2008, acrylic on paper, 6" x 4", $35.